Caring for Invisalign Aligners
Maintaining your Invisalign aligners is crucial for their effectiveness and longevity. Here are some essential care tips:
Regular Cleaning
It's important to clear debris from your aligners periodically using a soft toothbrush and water. Avoid using toothpaste as its abrasives can make your aligners cloudy and dull. Similarly, avoid denture cleaners and mouthwash as they can damage the plastic, making your aligners more visible and potentially yellowing.
Rinsing Aligners
Always rinse your aligners when you remove them. Dry saliva and plaque can lead to bacterial growth and bad odor. Additionally, brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners to maintain oral hygiene and prevent cavities.
Gentle Brushing
When cleaning your aligners, brush gently to avoid scratching them. Scratches can make aligners look etched and can trap bacteria.
Eating and Drinking Precautions
Avoid eating or drinking anything but water while wearing your aligners. Many substances can stain or discolor your aligners. Remember, toothpaste can scratch the aligners, so it's best to avoid using it for cleaning them.